Day 4: $160 Challenge


At work every year for Halloween I fill a big bowl with candy, fresh fruit, and granola bars to feed unsuspecting customers some vegan goodness. Today, I had to ask my boss if I could take money out of the drawer to buy candy. She said yes. This budget is definitely good for me! …although, I did end up eating candy for lunch… and a slice of pizza that an evil co-worker offered. So, I guess “good for me” could be, maybe, possibly, just a matter of perspective.

I must say, I am pretty lucky to work with not 1, but 2 vegans! And one is my boss! We actually have the non-vegans out-numbered now. I think that is pretty darn sweet.


Day 4

Starting Cash:     $146.22

Spent:     $4.76

Ending Cash: 141.46



12 Taco Shells @1.49, 2 cans Pinto Beans @$0.98, 1 packet Taco Seasoning @$0.79, 1 bag shredded lettuce @$1.50

I should have opted for the 18 shells for $1.99. It’s funny how $0.50 feels like gold these days. Goya beans are on sale at Wegmans for $0.49! If it weren’t for this budget our canned good situation could now have us prepared for the end of the world. Oh good lord, please just lemme shop! It’s a matter of survival!

*deep breath*




I forgot about ma frozen bananas. I was almost late to work…

Instead I just finished up the rice bev with some coffee.


Didn’t we go over this already.

I had candy… and a slice o’ cheeseless veggie pizza.


In case you weren’t paying attention, we had tacos.

We normally use TVP (and seasoning) for the filling, but we’re out, and that stuff is waaaaay too expensive for my current restraints. Instead, I cooked the seasoning into a couple cans of beans that had been dumped into a hot pan filled with sauteed onions and garlic. We are lucky in that we still had leftover salsa and the other package of the 2-pk of Wholly Guacamole that we had used for nachos last week.

day 4

I was starving by dinnertime and ate 6 tacos… one didn’t make the pic.


Keep in mind, my budget is feeding 2 grown adults. If I didn’t have to share with a 30-something, 190 lb, 6’2, and somehow still growing man-boy, these shopping “sprees” could feed me twice the meals.

On the other hand, HIS budget is feeding my booze habit, so we’re kinda even. mmm booze.